W. D. Jarvis
Inspector W. D. Jarvis
William D. Jarvis was one of nine commissioned officers named in 1873 to command the newly founded Force. On the March West, Jarvis was assigned A Division and at Roche Percée left the main column to shepherd 62 men, 55 sick or tired horses and 50 cows with calves to Fort Edmonton, 875 miles away. The route was often rough and deep in mud yet they arrived in 88 days. After wintering at the Hudson Bay Company fort, Jarvis moved his men 16 miles downstream to the junction of the Sturgeon and North Saskatchewan rivers.
Here they established Fort Saskatchewan from which they policed the north. Commissioner French thought Jarvis a good officer but they had their differences over expenses and reports. In 1881, Jarvis, by then a Supeintendent, left the NWMP.