Introduction: Establishment of the Fort
Commissioner James Macleod
So, we made it. Assistant Commissioner James Macleod and B, C and part of A Divisions stayed in Fort Macleod for the winter getting to know the Indigenous people in the area. Commissioner French took D and E Divisions east.
He left E Division at the Swan River Barracks. D Division wintered at Fort Dufferin. I stayed with the rest of A Division in Fort Edmonton for the winter, then moved to our new post at Fort Saskatchewan. We had rid the west of whisky traders. Now we would take care of law and order.
Yes, we tracked criminals and brought them to justice. But we also were responsible for many other things that were not usually the job of a policeman: putting out grass fires, delivering mail, checking on settlers, getting to know the Indigenous people, chopping wood, building barracks, training horses, and more! We did whatever had to be done to live in places with few other people.
We were responsible for a huge area, the whole North West Territories, from Fort Dufferin to the Rockies and from the 49th Parallel to the Arctic Ocean. We were spread pretty thin, let me tell you! But, we managed. And if I say so myself, we did a darn good job!
Have a look in my photo album. You'll see some of the places we were posted to and some of the people I met along the way.