Recruitment and Training
The North West Mounted Police who fulfilled their contract with the government were granted 160 acres of land in the west.
How did it all start? Rather hastily, to be sure! With winter approaching and a lack of money to completely fund this new police force, it was decided to find 150 recruits right away, then add another 150 recruits the following spring.
What a time we had! Hundreds volunteered for the new police force. Some wanted the adventure, some were tired of farming and looked forward to a regular paycheque. Others, well they were running away.
Recruitment posters ran in major newspapers.
Annual salaries for the Force were considered very good at first. During the first few years of the Force, some salaries were reduced, particularly for constables and sub-constables.
Paymaster acting as Quartermaster-$1400
Veterinary Surgeon-$500
Constable-$1.00 per day
Sub-Constable- 75 cents/day
The NWMP adopted police ranks for its officers with an equal honorary military rank.
Commissioner = Lieutenant-Colonel
Superintendent = Captain
Sub-Inspector = Lieutenant
Paymaster = Captain
Veterinary Surgeon = Lieutenant
All recruits were also given a kit with their uniform, bedding, riding equipment and other equipment and were supplied with food. Officers were provided with better rations as well as a private tent and a servant. All who joined could apply for a grant of 160 acres of land in the West after satisfactorily completing 3 years of service.
Among other requirements for entrance, each recruit had to pass a medical test and present a letter saying that he was an individual of good character. But who had time to check up on these letters? Do you think that you would have been a good recruit?
I joined the North-West Mounted Police as a sergeant major. We travelled to Lower Fort Garry in Manitoba and arrived in October 1873. Inspector Jarvis was in command. Inspector Walsh became adjutant, veterinarian and riding master. Inspector Griesbach was in charge of discipline. And I, well I broke horses and trained the young men to ride. As long as the temperature did not drop below -36°C, we worked from 6 am until dark, every day. Commissioner French arrived in November and took over the command.
He was gravely disappointed in our motley collection of recruits. Few knew how to ride and some were medically unfit. Twenty of them were discharged almost immediately.
French returned to Ottawa to request funding for another 150 recruits. He personally recruited these individuals. They assembled at New Fort in Toronto for a month of training. Then, with great fanfare I'm told, they rode the train to Fargo, North Dakota.
There they unloaded horses and equipment, and began the journey to Fort Dufferin, to meet the rest of the detachment.
Each division, six in all, had one superintendent-and-inspector, two superintendent-and-sub-inspectors, a paymaster/quartermaster and a veterinary surgeon. Most of these men, like myself, were drawn from the army or the militia.