Lawrence W. Herchmer
Herchmer was an excellent organizer, and moved the NWMP through a period of transition.
Lawrence Herchmer had been considered for the Commissioner's position when John A. Macdonald was looking for an experienced leader for the NWMP.
However, Herchmer joined the Boundary Commission and Macdonald looked elsewhere. Thirteen years passed, and when the Commissioner's position was vacant again, Macdonald appointed Herchmer.
This did not sit well with many of the officers who had served the force since the March West and felt that the promotion should have come from within.
Herchmer was an excellent organizer and moved the NWMP through a period of transition.
He re-organized the force, making it more effective and efficient. In spite of improving living conditions and benefits for the men, his temper and over-bearing nature won him few friends. At one point, he was even officially charged with tyrannical conduct and mismanagement. Although he was cleared of any wrong-doing, he had few supporters. While serving with the Canadian Mounted Rifles in South Africa, he was retired from the force and replaced after fourteen years of service.